Tuesday, January 8, 2008

History Question

I find myself last weekend watching a PBS special of our 7th president Old Hickory. Now, in this program I repeatedly declares Andrew Jackson as the founder of the Democratic Party. This makes completes sense, but, what baffles me is why the Democrats today have posted on their website that Thomas Jefferson is the founder of their party our 3rd president.
I am personally a Jefferson fan and admire the man's intellect and foresight of our nation, c'mon he wrote the Declaration of Independence and brought forth the Louisiana Purchase. President Jefferson was actually the founder of the short lived party the Democratic-Republicans, from what I understand they were more in line with the Republican Party of today even though there is no real connection between them and the Republicans of Abraham Lincoln. The Democratic-Republicans were in opposition of the Federalist Party and eventually became a part of the Whig party when the Jacksonians (Democrats) were formed. I guess it ticks me off to see posted lies about a party's founding father, to me it seems as if they are trying to claim a portion of history that is not theirs. Must be political envy, I guess, it is hard to compete with a party that provided the nation with the start of Racial Equality with the Emancipation Proclamation, and 18 of the last 28 presidents since the formation of the Republican Party.

I guess my question is why do they re-write history of our nation so much and often edit the past?


Huskerfancf said...

History is not kind to the Democrats of today. They must recreate history in their favor to succeed. Most people are not familiar with history, thanks to our great education system, peoples memory of history begins at their birth.
All of our great leaders in this country were students of history.

Ralph Furley said...

That may be another topic of history that has been buried, nobody speaks of President Reagan trying to eliminate the NEA because of it's corruption of finances, history, and teaching ethics. My guess is because he was a Republican as well. That was only 20-30 years ago, like you said "history begins at their birth". I guess I have always believed that you learn from your past mistakes and successes not ignore them and continue on as if nothing happened.

Ralph Furley said...

The National Endowment for the Arts

does our taxpayer dollar really have to go to this?



seems like a lot of wasted money.

Anonymous said...

Why is there such a discontinuity between us and those we pursue to remove from our political system? It seems that we need to somehow change how we view the role of government.

In other words there are so many issues and a wealth of information that we all seem to have lost how to debate and improve our society. I just got done cleaning my entire Blog because of Hutovo and he was not being productive or willing to discuss one on one issues. That is what seems to have been lost in history.

We as a nation need to start with one task and complete it. Its almost as if we are spiraling out of control with issues. During the constitutional days people actually talked and discussed we are simply screaming and yelling.

Our government is supplying money to who knows how many insitutions? The only way to eliminate large government is to completely eliminate public funding that is not viewed as a public improvement. In other words how do these institutions impact my life and make it better? It simply doesn't? We agree to that I am certain but how do you change it in todays' volatile and television society?

I wonder if one of the horsemen from revelation is not already here?


Ralph Furley said...

Wow, clean slate huh!
I guess I missed some radical perspectives on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Or may I just missed rants as angry as Mrs. Clinton's tones.

Anonymous said...

lets get back to discussion and leave the rant to those who feel that is the solution....

To continue on my prior "change" tone it really would be nice if there was a way to better educate the population.

I have had the opportunity to view some very excellent programs on TLC and History Channel of our founding fathers, and have read on George Washington during the Continental Congress days.

You would think that the responsibility of our journalist would make a better effort of reporting the story rather than chasing the glory?

Anonymous said...


I put up some new slideshows on the Bosnian Blog. There are several of the Washington area specifically the Jefferson Memorial and Linclon Memorial.

Take a look at the stoned writings and that will tell you just how far advanced our leaders were wehn it all started.

Ralph Furley said...

Cool thanks I have about 120 or so odd pics as well of the Memorials, when I was there Thanksgiving 2006.

I have always believed that since WWII we have been going backwards as far as the philosophies and principals of what our nation was founded upon. Social Security was a necessity after the war and The Great Depression, but is not as relevant nowadays. I believe that we (I say we as a society, not you and I) have created a society that relies on handouts rather than following our dreams and working hard for the "American Dream". It seems as if everybody just wants the magic lottery ticket to financial freedom instead of educating themselves and preparing at a young age for their own financial freedom in their golden years. I guess it amounts to laziness.

Anonymous said...

We have been complacent? But, not without leaders who looked upon history and realized that if we give to them they will bond to us.

Give them a chance to speak and they will follow feeling that they have contributed to the cause.

God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of GOD?
---Thomas Jefferson

I am surprised that those who oppose the creator do not speak out against our nations capital and all manner of reference to GOD.

Ralph Furley said...

As far as your comment above about the journalists ; they should really report more on perspectives of individuals actually becoming part of history rather than giving us editorials of their own insight and beliefs of what is happening. This would leave one original account of an historical event and allow freedom of interpretation to the public, the spoon-feeding of outside perspectives has got to stop and individuals should be forced to rationalize, research, and interpret their own view of any reported event. I think you are on to something as far as glory goes too, but, you can't blame them for wanting higher salaries and greater assignments. Everybody is entitled to growth right?

Ralph Furley said...

they won't speak out because they enjoy our wonderful country and its present day freedoms too much, and would rather "improve" our nation with rhetoric about change. I always like the saying "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." I have seen a bumpersticker recently that said our constitution is a shield not a sword. I disagree with that and believe that it is not only both shield and sword, but, also living. The banter of libs wanting to separate church and state is in my opinion in total contrast to what our founding fathers believed in and more in line with socialist/marxist/communist points of view. That to me is not freedom.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do believe that we are entitled to truth and the fullfillment of happiness. Each of us has a sense of accomplishment and what they believe is good for themselve and their family.

So we are ABSOLUTLEY entitled to growth! The question becomes under whose growth?

It seems that the definition of entitlement to truth and happiness is defined by corporations who just as the politicians seek to send a "text" message of intent yet contains no substance?

We definately agree that "freedom of interpratation" is the individuls right but more importantly it is our duty!

So how do we change the 30 second decision that people in this country and across the world view? There right to "freedom of interpreation" is defined in 30 seconds you get the good the bad and the ugly? Wow, all in 30 seconds and then more 30 second solutions.

This is a tall order, given that the media is run by corporations no less than CNN and FOX. They both may provide news and two different viewpoints but each is defined and targeted towards a group of individuals who believe that this is the "right interpration".

Remember those cartoon type spoofs like "I'm just a bill"? This piece of paper talking and explaining how the basics of government works? That is what is missing in the mass media? You can probably talk to 100 people and ask them basic questions about government and 97 would not know and only the three of us would :)

Your comment on "enjoy our wonderful country.." is what really has me concerned. Leaders can and have given to the people what they ask for. But, they don't give them what they really need. They give them enough to keep quiet while leaders squander behind our backs.

GOD gave us a free will but the will of the people is not to seek GOD. Our constitution is a document that was written with the WORD, and I AM. You can probably consider it a "utopian" style writing". Think about that? A document that fulfills every persons needs and rights.

I find it humorous that we as humans have to write on a piece of paper what should and should not be allowed? I can understand why GOD looked down upon us and thought WTF? Jesus said "give unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's and give unto GOD what is GODs".

The left will continue to chip away at every fabric that made this nation so great and unique in the world. We need to continue dialogue, even if it hurts, to make sure people begin to take an individual interest FIRST and then a collective interest SECOND.

It is sad to say that our party has emboldened them to some extent. We are always given two paths to chose from and always the ability to get back on track if a chosen path is not the right one! But when we make too many wrong decisions it becomes that much more difficult to get back on the right path?

Hope this was not too long! I believe a form of Anarchism is the right path to get this country back on track!