Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Political Change? Why?

Why do most of the candidates in the presidential elections want change? Seems to me the country is headed the in RIGHT direction. We have the best private health care system without waiting in line for months to receive a simple MRI or elective surgery. The GNP is growing at a good pace, the jobless rate is well in control. Some tax cuts will keep inflation in check. Why change? To what, bigger government? All that will do is take money from the people that have and give it to those who refuse to achieve better lives for themselves. BIGGER GOVERNMENT IS NOT THE ANSWER!

Why do all the Democrats always run on the same platform? Health Care and Social Security.
Can't the Dems ever fix what they want? The answer is NO, They have no solutions they just want to take more money from you. Look at Colorado for an example, elect a democrat in the governors office within a few months, Colorado State employees receive an extra day off at our expense, employees are unionized, raises taxes on Personal property, all without the legislature, He did is all with his pen. Amazing!


Anonymous said...

I think we can agree that the Democrats are socialist? There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that they take away and give to those who will only ask for more. Your assertion that these takers are not interested to better themselves only is correct.

However our R party needs some changing. The entire legislative branch needs to be updated so to say? Personaly the R have not made any strides to make gov't less intrusive.

Ralph Furley said...

They want "change" because for the last 8 years we, as a group, have been spoon-fed that our President is soooo bad for soooo long, that individuals think they need "change", and most do not want to think for themselves so they start to believe this. If and everybody else that knows you tells you that you are either a genius or piece of shit for 8 years non-stop, you are eventually going to believe one or the other. You are right as far as having the best private health care system. I have to disagree with the inflation view; tax-cuts alone will not keep them in check. We must reduce the size of ALL government-funded programs with the exception of the military and national security, people need to grow up and be more accountable for their own lives, monies, and properties and live free, not act so dependent on a handout. Bigger government is not the answer, which is why I am upset that our government over the past 8 years has still grown substantially, don't get me wrong, I have been happy with our President since 2000. I am sure this rate did not grow as rapidly as what would've happened with the previous Dem candidates in 2000 and 2004. Their stump will be SS and HealthCare until the end of time. Everybody likes free things and like they say, "there is no such thing as free, somebody is always paying".