Thursday, January 24, 2008

RNC chairman provides numbers, strategy to defeat top Democrats

RNC chairman provides numbers, strategy to defeat top Democrats
By Sam Youngman
Posted: 01/24/08 12:01 AM [ET]
Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Mike Duncan believes Republicans can beat either of the two top Democrats racing for their party’s nomination.
For Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.), Duncan says it comes down to trust. Sen. Barack Obama’s (Ill.) weakness, on the other hand, is his experience, according to Duncan.
Duncan continually brought up Clinton and Obama during a Wednesday morning breakfast with reporters sponsored by The Christian Science Monitor. Pointing to internal poll numbers, the RNC chairman repeatedly insisted that no matter who Republicans nominate, the Democratic candidate can be defeated in November.
Internal RNC polls show Clinton has significant trust issues with voters, who also worry Obama has too little experience to be president.
“With Sen. Clinton, it comes down to trust,” Duncan said. “She’s a lifelong liberal politician with some political baggage.”
The RNC’s polling on Clinton found that less than 50 percent of respondents see her as “honest and trustworthy.”
Sixty-five percent say she “will say or do anything to get elected” and 68 percent “agree that Sen. Clinton will raise their taxes.”
The polling on Obama is not quite as damaging on its face. Only 40 percent of respondents to the RNC’s survey agree that Obama “has the experience necessary to be Commander-in-Chief.” Forty-nine percent said Obama has a “record of accomplishment,” but only 19 percent say they are “very familiar” with the senator’s positions. Forty-four percent of respondents in the RNC poll view Obama as a uniter of Democrats and Republicans.
“His rhetoric is very good. He’s a great speaker. But at the end of the speech, people go, ‘Where’s the beef?’ ” Duncan said.
Previewing potential GOP attacks, Duncan referenced criticisms of Obama’s “present” votes during his time in the Illinois state Senate, something the Clinton campaign has also raised. Duncan also made an indirect reference to what he called Obama’s questionable ties to indicted businessman Antoin Rezko, who has contributed to Obama campaigns.
The chairman repeatedly mentioned that his communications and opposition research teams are building up strong cases against the candidacies of both Obama and Clinton.
Asked about Clinton’s claims that she is the only candidate who has been thoroughly “vetted,” Duncan smiled before complaining that his opposition research team’s efforts have been thwarted because the Clinton Library has not released certain documents related to Bill Clinton’s presidency.
“I’m not sure that anyone at this point has been thoroughly vetted,” Duncan said.
Duncan said the RNC’s “first level” of attacks mirror those the Democratic candidates have made on one another.
“Are there more arguments to come? Yes,” he said.
Duncan seemed to have trouble concealing his joy when asked whether the intense back-and-forth between Obama and Clinton meant the Republican nominee would eventually face a divided Democratic Party.
Duncan said he knew all along the Democrats were more divided than was being written, and the committee was preparing all along for any of the top-tier candidates as the nominee.
“I’m watching with great interest what they’re doing on the other side,” he said.
Duncan was careful not to comment specifically on his own party’s field. The GOP race remains cloudy, as several candidates have split the opening primaries and caucuses.
As the referee, Duncan said it’s not his place to comment on the individual campaigns. He did say the GOP nominee’s strategy for winning the general election would depend on the nominee.
For example, he said former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani would have different strategies, although he sought to portray both as candidates the GOP could rally around.
“It’s a different emphasis. It’s not a different coalition,” he said. The GOP has “a lot of great choices” in its presidential field, Duncan added.
Those hoping for a brokered convention this summer are likely to be disappointed, Duncan said. He said he is convinced there will be a consensus nominee before the RNC convention.
That said, the chairman did say he is reading up on the nomination battles of 1944 and 1952, both years that saw the GOP nomination fight decided at the Republican National Convention.
“My job is not to be surprised,” Duncan said.
The chairman said the committee’s voter file and 72-hour program are both better than they have ever been, and the RNC will continue to enjoy a technological advantage over its Democratic counterpart.


Ralph Furley said...

I often pray that neither Hillary ROTTEN Clinton nor Obama get in office, I think it could be more palatable if Edwards was in, just scared as hell about tax increases.

I look at the GOP candidates that are available and wonder about them.

Romney: He's likable and fiscally knowledgeable, but he seems to pander to the public on social issues and tell people what they want to hear, I guess they all do that, except Fred.

McCain: Just don't like the guy he has often gone against the GOP and collaborated with the Dems on shitty proposals and solutions. He is tough on defense; I'll give him that. Just can't comprehend voting for him with his ties to Kennedy and the Gang of 14.

Giuliani: He's very strong in my opinion as far as appointing justices if he were to get in office, tough on defense. He is fiscally conservative. Just can't get past the feeling he is a hardcore lib in conservative clothing.

Huckabee: I love his social and family values. Just can't figure out how really out there his is fiscally and with immigration he's right there with McCain...not to my liking.

Paul: C'mon now, he's a nice guy with splendid base ideas, just find them too "dreamy" for the real world. He's got his head in the clouds. As far a defense, I don't think he grasps the concept.

I really don't know which one of these guys can break through the sanitary sewer of television media all propagating Hillary. The only one I can see is McCain, but they like him. This alone makes me not like him. I guess I just have to wait and see what progresses after Super Tuesday. Kind of has me wondering who will be the leader for the nomination of the GOP, and who the VP will be hopefully it is Fred. I sure pray we can win this.

What does anybody else think of this situation?

Huskerfancf said...

Here are my thoughts on the GOP candidates. I have put them in the order I support.

Romney: He is our best chance. Good history in the private and public sector. I would like to be a bit more conservative but he did good things in the liberal state of Mass. The media doesn’t like him so that is good.

Giuliani: If he can get his campaign turned around he would be a good president. I have trouble with his anti-gun stance. He would standup up for what is right, and fight the bad people in the world.

McCain: He is a RINO (Republican in Name Only).I don’t like him either. The media loves McCain, so I cannot support him. Good man, just not a conservative. He voted against the Tax cuts.

Huckabee: Some good social values, I don’t like his taxes or him immigration. RINO

Paul: Crackpot.

I was disappointed to see Fred get out, he was my guy. I would like to see him get behind either Rudy or Mitt. He would or will make a great VP choice. It’s an easy vote for me, whoever the Republican is gets my vote. I cannot or will not ever vote for a Democrat. They don’t support the hard working people in this country. They want to take taxes from those who succeed and give it to people that refuse to help themselves.

Ralph Furley said...

I couldn't vote for any of the Jackasses either, just saying if it went South, I could handle that idiot Edwards more than the other two. Even though I wouldn't like any of them.

I had recently heard a man on the radio claiming that when the government cuts taxes they get more money, people get more money for living and consuming to help fuel our economy.
I wonder how much behind that though is true? Everybody becomes happier.

I guess the question then becomes: Who benefits (specifically) from tax increases? That is the answer we the people must know and demand.

We live today in a country that people are penalized for being married and rewarded for being a single parent with multiple kids.
Shouldn't we be rewarded for being married and not rewarded for having 8 kids from 8 fathers out of wedlock?

These jerks are destroying the family concept creating a welfare state where people want to suck off of "Mama's" tit and view that as their only source of income, protection, medicine, and shelter. Sounds like a Monarchy to me, dare I say Socialism/Communism?

That isn't American. Whatever happened to self accomplishment?

I still like to take it back to burying the past. Nobody speaks of the former U.S.S.R. and little is spoken of China or North Korea's governments, hell look at Cuba it is just South of us and evaluate their living standards.

Huskerfancf said...

People don't benefit from tax increases. Why poeple don't understand that is beyond me. Why would people work harder? Just to have the government take more money from them. At some point people will just quit working. Socialism has failed every place it has been tried. People forget why this country was founded. Reagan once said "We are a country of people with a government, Not the other way around." truer words have never been spoken.

I hope the country can return to it roots before it is too late. If Hillary or Obama wins we will be on the road to Socialism. Our only hope is that the GOP can make some gains in Congress.

Ralph Furley said...

Have you peeked around

I love it, one of the best and inspirational websites I have come across. Myself, I am a child of the Reagan era, strangely enough my Mother always stressed education. I will be like Forest Gump-ish: "Mama always said, you need to learn as much as possible."
I actually was interested in politics and social studies since the 1st grade.

President Reagan has inspired me so much that I still retain all the morals he tried passing on to the people at that time.
Here is another favorite of mine: What Would Reagan Do?

Anonymous said...

Hey guys good morning. I read your thread and would probably say that I don't care for any of our RNC brethren. They are to complacent and don't have the ability to continue with the difficult task of wiping out the left by any means necessary period!

Don't forget to lead you have to have the ability to make those who don't agree with you support you and your policies (house and senate).

Even GWB has pandered to the left and the socialistic handout of money in recent weeks, how pathetic! You would think that in this day and age politicians would simply stop being politicians.

Personally speaking, I am simply dumbfounded with what we as a country are allowing ourselves to give up for those who are in the minority. I guess lawyers and and lobbyist are the norm. To believe that you need experience "for the people by the people" is bullshit!

Since when do you need experience to represent PEOPLE? You need experience to best serve ones self interest and how to screw the people.

I am so sick and tired of FOX, CNN and all other news outlets and it is our own damn fault. If this country goes in the tank it is because of you and I who are unwilling to take the necessary steps of eliminating our leaders from office by any means necessary.

I am tired of worthless debates and talk of BULLSHIT. Nobody has been able to straight talk to the people they are only good for ratings like the rest of the whores in the entertainment industry.

Where the FUCK are the rest of the candidates and why only the six are being paraded. It would be better that congress pass a law that would not allow any of our candidates to appear on TV but must visit all cities in the US. That is their fucking DUTY! Don't tell me our party system does not have money because I will puke!

When we as a nation realize that we can self govern ourselves and solve our own problems without individuals in office then we may just have a chance. I am really beginning to have doubts about "global economies", "global rules", "global attitudes", IMF, G8 and the rest of this crap.

I can understand why GOD looked down on us in past and almost destroyed all of us. We are ignorant and simply don't care. GOD can continue to send saviours and we will continue to crucify every single one of them.

Ralph Furley said...

You are correct it should be us standing up, but people like us are diminishing as public interest is focused on American "fucking" Idol instead of our country's sovereignty. You know with all this talk of Global this, Global that; I can't help but believe that we are heading to a one-world government.

I keep picturing the world as the United States, every separate nation functioning much like each one of our states do currently. Then we have to bail out the caveman fucks that never wanted to get past the Stone Age.

I can only seeing this force the world into a Global Welfare State, now what is the difference with that and the Dems Social/ United Nations State they want?

You get all this chaos with the loss of God in society, they call it enlightenment, and I call it perversion. If there is ever another person that is for The United States of America and what it was founded on, I guess that's my person.

Right now I am hard pressed to find a representative nowadays that isn't for America. I used to wonder why Hollywood is all over politics, and have come to the conclusion that if an individual is not a free thinker, then ALL these pictures today can shape and mold society, as we know it, into whomever or whatever it wants.
Television and movies are gateways into pumping out false ideals to the brain-dead and potentially harm the fabric of a conservative society. I don’t know why people can’t just take them for what they are entertainment, I often see society ask our government for law changes right after a movie with an “objective” is released.

Don’t get me wrong I am not bashing films and television, I enjoy them as much as anybody else, but can we collectively take them for pure entertainment values anymore?

I wish all the time for none of this to come to fruition; it just seems inevitable at times.

Anonymous said...

The day will come as sure as the sun rise's and set's. If it were not true revelations would never have existed.

World order is already upon us and I am saddened to see that authority is more concerned with themselves than they are with the people.

You know what would be a great idea! Tax all of those who support our politicians through donations and have the politicians pay 100% tax on the gifts they recieve and then pump that money back into the states equally from all parties and have the people decide how to spend it.

Politicians should NEVER ask for your fucking dollar to see them speak! They should fucking pay us to see and listen to them.